• 電話:2757 4566
  • 傳真:2952 3110


A) Objectives

Our school-based English curriculum integrates four essential language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing.  Pupils learn English through active participation in different meaningful and interesting activities.  We believe various activities help foster pupils' interest to learn, strengthen their language abilities, develop their generic skills and better enable them to use the language.


B) Our Curriculum

  • NET lessons
  • Synthetic Phonics
  • Shared Reading
  • Home Reading
  • High Frequency Words
  • Guided Reading
  • Development of Text Set Programme 
  • Home reading
  • Project Learning
  • Reading Across Curriculum Programme (PEEG)
  • Morning Prayer
  • English Drama
  • Mini English Day
  • NET CHAT videos
  • Class Performance
  • English Newsletter

Phonics teaching

Our school integrates both phonics and high frequency words teaching as part of our core curriculum. With the help of blending and segmenting skills, we believe they help students read with fun, confidence and proficiency at an early stage.

Segmenting soundsBlending sounds Golden Ticket Award

Reading lessons

In order to enhance the reading proficiency among our students through a sustainable literacy program, our school focuses on reading and incorporating various teaching strategies like storytelling, guided reading, reading across curriculum and independent reading on the e-platform (EPIC).

Shared readingReading across curriculum (RaC)

Independent reading (EPIC)

C) Other English activities:

By implementing various English fun activities and videos including NET Chat, Morning Prayer, Class Performance, Mini-English Day and English Café, these can create an English-rich learning environment that supports the language development of all students.

NET Chat

Flute performance

Morning Prayer

A prayer after examination

Class Performance

Kids’ Science

Craft-making—A Christmas Tree

A prayer for Sports Day

Sing along ‘The Sound of Music’

Mini-English Day

Guessing games

English Café

Eng_15 Opening Ceremony of English Café 
Fun Quiz TimeGame Time

English Drama:

The activity is aiming at building up students’ confidence in verbal communication and developing learners with creativity and imagination in drama.

Drama Performance ---- Robin Hood

English Day:

Interactive activities were organized to promote authentic communication and the language environment for students.
